Finding products that you like and want is very easy and practical with MyHome by Magno. You can start by clicking the Category menu. You can also follow the Product Search guide according to the gadget you are using.

  1. Category. 
    1. Finding products that you want is even easier through the Categories menu. Here are the guidelines:
    2. In MyHome by Magno click the Shop icon, then select the product category you want.
    3. Click the Merchant you want.
    4. The product list will appear immediately.
  2. Search
    1. In MyHome by Magno click the Shop icon, then type the product name you want in Search Products.
    2. Just enter the name of the product you want in the Search Products column, then the product will appear in the search results. The following guide to find products with the search feature:
    3. Enter the name of the product you are looking for in the Search Products column. 
    4. Click enter on your keyboard.

    5. The product you are looking for will immediately appear in the product search results.